Recognizing and Honoring Filipino World War II Veterans

Date: Sept. 19, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

RECOGNIZING AND HONORING FILIPINO WORLD WAR II VETERANS -- (House of Representatives - September 19, 2006)


Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of this resolution.

Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I might consume.

I first would like to commend my California colleague Darrell Issa for introducing this important measure. I also want to thank the chairman of our committee Henry Hyde for letting this resolution move to the floor so expeditiously.

Madam Speaker, the measure before the House honors the contributions of Filipino Americans during the Second World War. You might be surprised to learn that I represent the largest concentration of Filipinos outside of Manila. Among my constituents are tens of thousands of Filipino American families, so it is with great pleasure that I cosponsor this legislation and serve as the Democratic manager of this resolution on the floor today.

Filipino Americans have made an enormous contribution to the cultural, political and economic life of my congressional district, particularly in the community of Daly City. Outside of Honolulu, Daly City is the largest city in the United States with a majority Asian population, and most of this population is Filipino American.

Their contributions to our Nation are not a recent phenomenon. More than 120,000 Filipinos fought under the command of General Douglas MacArthur during World War II. Filipino soldiers played a critical role in stopping the Japanese advance throughout the Pacific. During 3 long years of Japanese occupation, Filipinos helped to liberate their homeland and ultimately to defeat the Japanese warmaking machine.

That is why I am so pleased that we are moving forward with this resolution honoring the contributions of Filipino World War II veterans, many of whom are still with us.

It is my strong hope that passage of this measure will pave the way for congressional consideration of the long overdue Filipino Veterans Equity Act. This important legislation would allow Filipino veterans to become eligible for a range of United States veterans benefits currently reserved for former Active Duty military personnel.

Given the enormous contributions made by the Filipinos to the war in the Pacific, it is imperative that Filipino veterans finally receive the benefits they deserve.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support this resolution.

